June 21, 2014

My Ear Infection Story from Strong Antibiotic of Penicillin Sodium

I still remember the days when I was 6 years old and whenever I got flu even any of the members in our family, my dad immediately gave us an injection of penicillin sodium. A medication known as one of the strong antibiotic that cures variety of bacterial infections.

My dad is not a doctor but he always has his medical kit that contains syringes and water injection to mix with penicillin sodium. He proudly claims it is the perfect medication to cure all the kinds of disease. He was a retired soldier since he got a shot on his right leg which turned into a paralyzed leg. When he was in hospital for long days, he met a doctor and they become close friend. This doctor was the reason why my dad used the medication. The doctor strongly suggested it with the proper instructions that whenever my dad gets sick, he’ll just need to buy the medicine. 

My dad was known in our town as one of the most effective healer or Dr. quack quack. He became famous as all his patients get cured till it was an issue in town. One day a real doctor alleged my dad to stop doing his practice and he’ll get reported as he is not a licensed doctor. In our country year 80’s to 90’s, you can easily buy any medicine without prescription.  So then my dad stop accepting patients and he just continue it to his family members and relatives. The medicine really works effectively till one day at my age of 7, I got ear problem.

Here’s the symptom, whenever I heard loud sounds, something like a bee tearing my ear drum or vibrating to the 7 intensity of earthquake for me to get deaf. Me and my mom seek a doctor and get me cured. The doctor didn't find out the causes of my ear problem since they didn't talk about my father’s practice. Through my growing stage, I noticed I've always talk loud and it’s because I’m being deaf till it turned as the normal loud of my voice. 

Years gone by, my sister decided to took nursing and she learned that strong antibiotic can cause ear problems and can lead to deaf. Till we realized it’s the reason why I had an ear problem when I was a kid.

Yes penicillin does cure any bacterial infections but it really needs proper usage of dosage and this is not recommended for treating simple disease as doctor prescribed lower dosage first of any antibiotic for us not to get immune of antibiotics. Because once we got immune, our body get use to it and the dosage will eventually need to upgrade on a high dosage. 

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