May 20, 2014

Reasons of Getting Vaginal Yeasts Infection And The Effective Medicine Treatments

Generally vagina contains several bacteria. There are good bacteria which are usually found in the vagina called the “Lactobacillus acidophilus”. This generally responsible in helping good bacteria to regrowth and manage to limit the development of bad bacteria.  Vagina contains small number of yeast cells. These yeast cells should not grow into many as it will lead to the imbalance environment of organism and starting to develop into yeasts infection. Remember, the yeast infection is not considered as a sexually transmitted disease. 

Causes of Imbalance that lead to yeast infection:

Strong Antibiotics – antibiotics also eliminate good bacteria. Also from treatment of Trichomoniasis, is an STD which typically treated by Metronidazole. After the treatment yeast infections will follow.

Diabetics – high level of sugar in the body also trigged yeast to grow.

Douching –very risky as the natural balance of bacteria will change and encouraging the growth of bad bacteria.

Improper hygiene – Feminine wash should always mild. Don’t let your sanitary napkin stay too long. Change it every 3 hours even when you’re using panty liner. Regular cleaning of your toilet and washing your panty needs exposure to the sun or as alternative iron it.  After peeing wash your vagina with water and wipe it with clean cotton towel/tissue.


Effective Medicine Treatments for Yeast infection

1.      Diflucan Fluconazole - 120 mg (once only) with 2 tablets of Doxycline150 mg twice a day for 1 week or 5 days.
2.      Albothyl vaginal suppository - (Once a day for 7 days)
3.      Flagystatin vaginal suppository - (Once a day for 7 days)
4.      GynoMax vaginal suppository (Once a day for 7 days)
5.      Neo-Penotran vaginal suppository  - (Once a day for 7 days)
6.      Lactobacillus Acidophilus supplement like puritans pride (an alternative after your medication. This help to bring back the natural balance of your vagina )

This information’s are gathered through research and still advised to seek for your ob gyne for proper medication.   

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