May 22, 2014

What Is Self Esteem And How To Gain Your Confidence?

Self esteem is like our adrenaline in the body. When it’s low, your personality cannot perform abundantly and if it’s too much, it can be annoying to others. The better way is to properly manage it naturally and carefully by considering the people behaviors that surrounds you.

Self esteem can tell of what you feel being who you are.  Having low self esteem is inviting your doubt within yourself that will surely result to a negative impact especially in everything that you do, compared on having a good self confidence which you fully embraced and learning the chance of bringing the positive character in your life.

How Self Esteem Developed?
Self esteem is developed on how you influenced by your environment.
E.g People who surrounds you where you grew up.

Family influence - Through research on interviewing 10 moms, 7 out of 10 moms admit that their personality can simulate by their sons.

For samples:
·         A mom who always shout loud or who always complain.
70% a son will always complain

A mom who is has good self confidence or a teacher or a performer 
70% a son will be active in any activities 

 A mom who always shy and afraid of socializing others in any occasion.
70% a son will be shy and preferred to be with his family only.

Hence: Family influence is very important, the main reason why adults should always be good role models for kids. 

Friends Influence/Socializing – this can develop through friends in school, elementary to college, organization, based on the interest of a person, and on what they seen on TV as idolizing celebrities.
The famous quote tells ““Birds of the same feather flock together.”” – Most of time this is true. However, there are good person who also go out with bad influence friends but not to tolerate the bad practice. Although this can develop or can trigger to the good person to try of what his bad friends does. This bad influence will happen or tried it once but then it will become a bad habbit. Eg. My friends are trying to get me to smoke cigarettes and i feel very welcomed when i did. (socializing)

How to Gain your Self Confidence?

There can be many ways how. But the first real thing is, 

Accept Who You Really Are - Accepting all your flaws and helping yourself to use your weaknesses to become your strength. 

Improved Your Self – You have to determined your weakness and always find a way to improve it. Learning is endless. Prepare to manage your time and get learned the things you’re not sure about.  A person who has knowledge can start its self-confidence to grow more each day.  

Surround Yourself With The Right People - going out with the right people or right friends, this way you’re assured that your thoughts and personality will be listened and acknowledged. You can’t please everyone as we’re all having difference beliefs in life. You should not get distress when other people will treat you bad; yes it may really hurt but use this as a challenge to improve yourself that you’re better than them and avoid people who always make you feel bad, because these people will kill your self-esteem and can lead into depression.

Stand on your Beliefs in Life -Don’t afraid to tell what you feel and you must have strong beliefs and strong personality will follow. This way, people can’t control you. If you let them controlled you, you’re losing yourself and became their soldier.

Eg. Situational of accepting yourself 

You always say the wrong words or the right pronunciation and your friends or people surrounds you will laugh at you and correcting you on a way that can surely hurt your feelings. How will you use your weaknesses to become your strength? 

Don’t be a softhearted. Learn to laugh on yourself too. Simply this way you're admitting your flaw. Besides, if you simply react and get easily mad then you are inviting them to repeat their behavior over and over again. Remember, being sensitive in front of them might give them a reason to get satisfied.

These information are based through research and my experienced in life.
I am not fond of reading as I can easily get distracted especially when I’m not in the mood.  This is the main reason why I have poor writing skills and not confident in speaking English. These are now the consequences of not studying hard when I was in school. Of course in the environment I had before. It’s going to be a long story to tell.  Let say, I am an easy go luck person. But I didn’t give up. I learned it by accepting my flaws and find a way to improve. Even it’s not yet enough at-least giving up is not my option. Just like what I am doing now. I should be very shy in blogging, but why should I? All I ever wanted it to use this activity as part of my learning and not to stop in improving my writing skills. Also, to stand out on own my beliefs that no one should ever tell one person that his not good enough. Instead, help him learned and boost his confidence. To not get affected of what other people says and live simply with positive atmosphere. XOXO

1 comment:

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