April 8, 2014

Causes of Itchy Dry Skin and Home Remedies for Face Dry Skin

Main causes of dry skin

1. Lack of water fluid in the body
2. Vitamin C
3. Damage from Sun Exposure
4. Stress
5. Smoking Cigarettes
6. Heredity
7. Diabetic
8. STD

Home Remedies For Dry Skin

Off Course Drink Water Regularly – 8 to 10 glasses of water a day but if you’re the person who urinate frequently, just keep drinking water.

Drink Lemon Water in The Morning- At night, prepare your pitcher with 2-3 lemons in a 1 litter of water and drink it first in the morning with 1-2 glasses.  Water lemon has many health benefits such as;

  • Hydration
  • Constipation
  • UTI
  • Bad Breath
  • Weight Loss
  • Boost Your Immune System

Take Vitamin C as a Habit– If you’re too busy and can’t handle to prepare your water lemon, any capsule of vitamin C in the morning is a good alternative. And vitamin C is more recommended by dermatologist than Vitamin E for fairer skin.

Choose Your Soap Wisely - Depends on how our skin sensitivity is. For dry skin choose moisturizer soap, avoid hot shower, use mild soap such as Physiogel or Cetaphil. Strong soaps can really cause dry skin especially if you don’t even put any creme at night. But some strong soaps for aiming whitening skin are still fine just make it sure you have to apply moisturizer creme or lotion.

Use Sun block Every Day– Use sun block eveyday. Find sun block that will suits to your skin. SPF 20 above is recommended. Why use sun block every day? Even there’s no exposure on sun, there's  always UV radiations everywhere such as using our computer, phone, tablets, TV and UV rays from wind.

Skin Peeling Using Green Peeling Oil – Some dry skin or dull skin won’t work using moisturizers products only. So you need a safe rejuvenating toner and green peeling oil to peel off the damage skin.

Use Foot Lotion for Cracked Feet on your Dry Skin – I have dry skin on my legs because of sun exposure since I love playing tennis. I tried using foot lotion for cracked feet because I had one due to not wearing slippers at home and even cleaning our bathroom with high concentrated cleanser. So surprisingly after using it for three days twice a day, it went back to healthy feet. Without hesitation, I applied it on my legs and made me happy because it is more effective that the body lotion available on stores. Discontinue it after you have seen your skin improved and continue using your body lotion.

Healthy Living –With the proper exercise even thrice a week, get enough sleep, healthy foods and avoiding yourself from stress is a plus to maintain a healthy skin.

Minimize Your Sugar Especially For  Diabetic - Monitor your blood sugar and follow your medication.

All tips are based on my researched and has applied it to myself. Now I'am totally free from dry skin.

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